Cough Cough

Jase Wells (probably one of my all-time favourite sites and he now blogs on his site – hoorah) talks about TIVO on his new site. Immediately after reading that, I visited Prosaic who pointed me at this article about the television recording gadget/device TIVO:

Like early adopters of cellphones and the Internet, the first wave of users of personal video recorders swear that the devices have fundamentally altered their lives changing domestic routines, making it possible to live a life free of commercial interruptions and even providing the satisfaction of a rebellion against network goliaths.

Now, if you are in the UK I can, after less than two drinks at a party, tell you how Sky Plus (or Sky+) – which is a similar device hooked into your Sky digital satellite box – has changed my viewing habits.

In fact, I started watching yesterday’s highly amusing Major Fraud documentary about twenty minutes after it actually started and didn’t miss a single cough. Fantastic.

On this day…