Been There?

The strangest thing about Madrid was my unwavering belief that I have never been there before. I arrived and spent a day with one of our customers. Apart from the rather long lunch break that was taken quite late in the day, the visit was like many visits to our customers: useful, interesting but I may as well have been in an office block in central London. The travelling just means I have less time to do what I needed. While I was waiting at the airport for my return flight I decided to go to the cafe bar and get myself a drink. As I walked took my tray from the pile of slightly damp cafeteria-style trays I had the strangest feeling of deja-vu. As I took my 330ml of French beer to the a table I began to realise that I had sat at this cafe before. Eventually, after searching my diary (thank goodness for the wonders of Palm) I discovered that I had travelled through Milan on my way back from Spain in Christmas 2002. Funny the tricks memory plays.

On this day…